The Rhode Island National Guard has units throughout Rhode Island and we work diligently to be a good neighbor and community partner. As a community-based organization, the Rhode Island National Guard supports and participates in events throughout the state to benefit our citizens and give them insight into their #RIsHomeTeam. 

    These events, such as parades, ceremonies and patriot celebrations are as important to us as they are to the groups and communities that sponsor them.  While every attempt is made to support Community Relations requests, it is not always possible to support every event due to training requirements, previous commitments, budget constraints, or mobilizations.  All requests will be reviewed to ensure events are in accordance with National Guard Bureau Public Affairs Manual 360-5 (NGB PAM 360-5), Army Regulation 360-1 (AR 360-1) and Air Force Instruction 35-101 (AFI 35-101).  

    Requests for RING support that we support typically are;
    1. Public Events
    2. Free to attend
    3. Beneficial to the community
    4. Education or entertainment focused

    Common events include parades, static displays of equipment at fairs or festivals, color guards, or guest speakers.  To request the Rhode Island National Guard's support of your event, please fill out and submit a DD Form 2536 (found on the right) to:


    Requests must be received 60-90 days from date of event.  Requests received less than 30 days from date of event most likely will not be considered due to lack of equipment resource allocation time, manpower associated costs, and insufficient coordination time.

    For Flyovers or any aviation (Army or Air) assets Please use   DD Form 2535 (found on the right)

    Requests should be submitted a minimum  90 days prior to the event. Fewer than 90 days notice will be denied by the Department of Defense, as they have jurisdiction over all flyovers and mandate at least 90 days.

    In order to request an aircraft flyover, aircraft static display or a parachute demonstration, you must thoroughly complete a DD Form 2535 (found on the right)

    You must have the form:

    • Completed and signed by the sponsoring organization,
    • Certified (and signed) by the event site owner
    • Approved by the local Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Flight Standards District Office (FSDO)
    • Submit the form per the instructions indicated on the DD 2535 form last page

    Requests should be completed, signed, approved by the FAA and submitted back to the Department of Defense at least 90 days in advance of the event. Incomplete forms and requests will not be considered. The Department of Defense U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army determine whether the event is eligible for support, not the Rhode Island National Guard.

    Here is the link for Air Force aviation asset requests

    Requests for Army aviation assets should be submitted to NG.RI.RIARNG.MBX.RI-JOC@MAIL.MIL

    Aviation Support or Participation may be cancelled by the U.S. Government without notice.

    1. Please fill out the DD 2536 form (found on the right), this form is used to request Armed Forces musical unit, personnel, color/honor guard and/or exhibit/equipment participation in public events. The requested information is required to evaluate the event. Please complete all sections and email it to

    2. Armed Forces musical units are organized for ceremonial and traditional purposes and to support recruiting activities. However, they may be authorized to provide certain specified presentations, such as patriotic ceremonies, for public programs. Armed Forces musical organizations are not permitted to provide entertainment, background, dinner, dance or other social music at public or private events in competition with the customary or regular employment of local civilian musicians. Limited resources permit only one band and/or choir to perform at an event, and the Military Services reserve the right to cancel support to sponsors who have scheduled more than one such military unit.

    3. Department of Defense policies require that Armed Forces participation in public events will be provided at no additional cost to the Government. The sponsor is required to pay, when necessary, the standard Military Services allowance for quarters and meals for all Armed Forces participants and for other services which have been determined in advance by the Military Services and agreed to by the sponsor. Transportation and meal costs are not usually incurred when support is provided from a local military installation. However, circumstances may dictate that reimbursement for any or all of these costs may be necessary. All costs are binding after a unit, personnel, or exhibit has arrived at an event site, even though weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstances force the event to be cancelled.

    4. This form should be submitted to the appropriate Military Service (listed in right hand column) not less than 30 nor more than 90 days in advance of a scheduled program. Please realize that all Armed Forces units have specific military missions and training requirements. Participation in public programs will only be authorized when such support is in the best interests of the Department of Defense and the Military Services and does not interfere with mission or training programs. In all cases, operational commitments must take priority and can cause previously scheduled appearances to be cancelled.

    5. For legibility, event sponsors are highly encouraged to fill out applicable information on-line prior to printing out form. Please complete all sections and email it to

    1. Please fill out the DA 2535 form (found on the right) to request U.S. Armed Forces aircraft participation at public events in support of community relations programs to perform on or off a military installation. If requesting  Air Force or Air National Guard please submit the form on THIS SITE.  If you are requesting Army or Army National Guard aviation support, please email the completed form to

    2. The event sponsor is responsible for gaining the completion of Section IV, FAA Coordination, prior to submission of the form to each appropriate Military Service. The local Flight Standards District Office that has jurisdiction over the event site will complete all appropriate blocks in Section IV. Requests for static displays only do not require FAA coordination. Complete Sections I - III and V - VII, and forward the form to the nearest Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for completion of Section IV. 

    3. The local sponsoring organization is responsible for the accurate completion of the form and conducting the event. The information on this form must be typed or printed in ink, and is used to evaluate the event for compliance with public law and Department of Defense policies, and to determine its eligibility for Armed Forces participation. In all cases, military participation must not interfere with military operations and training programs, and must be at no additional cost to the U.S. Government. Sponsors will consult with local military recruiters and provide, at no charge, prime space at the event site for recruiting activities. Department of Defense is unable to support events for which sponsorship is intended to make a business profit. Events which have an admission charge, or other associated charges, do not necessarily preclude military participation. Military commands cannot participate in events which charge admission unless the military participation is incidental to the event, and not the primary attraction. Incomplete forms, or forms submitted late, cannot be considered and will be returned to the sponsor's representative. 

    4. Requests for flyovers will be considered only for aviation-oriented events (i.e., air shows, airport anniversaries or dedication events), or for patriotic observances (one day only) held in conjunction with Armed Forces Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, POW/MIA Recognition Day, or Veterans Day (event must be within seven days of the actual holiday date to be considered). Flyovers, not to exceed four aircraft, may be performed by operational or training aircraft as determined by the providing Military Service. Sponsors of events other than bona fide air shows are prohibited from scheduling more than one Service to conduct the flyover. Once confirmation of participation is gained, other Services will not participate in the event. The Blue Angels and Thunderbirds do not perform flyovers. Requests for flyovers must be received for processing at least 90 days prior to the event for full consideration by the Services. Requests received closer than 30 days will not allow adequate planning for some organizations to support. Requests received 14 days or closer will not be considered. Complete Sections I - III and V - VII, and forward the form to the nearest Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for completion of Section IV. The missing man formation will not be flown in support of any activities requested on this form. It is reserved for funeral services in honor of active duty rated/designated aviators or dignitaries of the Federal Government or as determined by the Military Services. 

    5. Requests for aircraft static displays will only be considered for air shows, airport events, expositions and fairs, and public events which contribute to the public knowledge of Armed Forces equipment and capabilities (including recruiting and ROTC events). Complete Sections I - III and V - VII (Section IV is not applicable when requesting static displays only). Requests may be sent from the sponsoring organization to each Service branch's public affairs office listed in paragraph 9 of these instructions. The sponsor must satisfy all safety and operational requirements for the requested aircraft. Requests received closer than 60 days (90 days for Marine Corps support) will not allow adequate planning for some organizations to support. 

    6. Civilian-sponsored requests for performances by a flight demonstration team (Blue Angels and Thunderbirds) will be considered only for events 6. (Continued) which are: (1) aviation oriented (i.e. air shows, airport events, historical aviation events); (2) planning civilian aviation participation; (3) open to all Military Services for participation, and (4) held during the air show season (mid-March to mid-November). A partial reimbursement cost (quarters and meals) of $6,000 per official demonstration (including any performance where admission is charged to view a team) is payable by all nonmilitary sponsors as indicated in the team support manual. Appearances on a military installation or sponsored by a military organization will only be approved in support of an official installation "open house" program (no admission charge/entrance fee). All event sponsors are required to comply with all aspects of the team support manual, as applicable. All requests for an aerial demonstration team must be received by August 1 of the year preceding the year of the event. Complete Sections I - III and V - VII, and forward the form to the nearest FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for completion of Section IV. The annual schedule will be released in December of the year prior to the season. Subsequent to public release of the schedules, teams will be rescheduled if a scheduled event is cancelled, the original sponsoring organization is changed, or the original event site is changed. Previously validated requests will automatically be reconsidered. NOTE: Blue Angels and Thunderbirds require 6,000 and 7,000 foot runways, respectively, at or within 30-50 nautical miles of the demonstration site. The Blue Angels also require arresting gear located within 80 nautical miles of the demonstration site. 

    7. Requests for single aircraft demonstrations (i.e., F-15, F-14, Harrier) will be considered for events as described in paragraph 6 (1) through (4) above. Army and Air Force single aircraft demonstrations must be received for processing at least 60 days prior to the event. USMC Harrier (AV-8B) and Navy demonstration requests must be received by January 31 each year. The Harrier demonstration can only be performed over a prepared hard surface or open water. (Scheduled Harrier events will receive two aircraft, one for demonstration and one for static display. Fifty gallons of distilled water must be provided for each Harrier demonstration.) Meals, lodging, and transportation for the aircrews must be provided by the sponsor. 

    8. Civilian-sponsored requests for the U.S. Army Parachute Team, the Golden Knights, will be considered for events such as air shows, airport dedications and anniversaries, expositions and fairs, events sponsored by the Army, and those events which contribute to the public knowledge of military and airborne operations, equipment and capabilities. All requests must be received by Army Public Affairs by October 1 of the year preceding the year of the event. Appearances on a military installation will only be approved in support of an official "open house" program. All sponsors, military and civilian, are required to reimburse the team for quarters, meals, ground transportation, and a designated rate for the jump platform (aircraft), as determined by the team, at least two weeks prior to the event (approximately $2,500 per official show day). The annual schedule will be released in mid-January (approximately 45 days after the flight demonstration teams' schedules). After the official schedule is released, the Golden Knights will consider "add on" performances if received at least 60 days prior to the date of the event. In the event of cancellations, all requests previously validated will automatically be reconsidered, as required. Complete Sections I - III and V - VII, and forward the form to the nearest FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for completion of Section IV. Please send completed request forms to the appropriate Military Service public affairs office(s) listed below. 


    1. Please fill out the Marketing Request Form (found on the right) and submit to the Rhode Island National Guard Marketing Director at

    2. The Mobile Event Team (MET) requests are for public appearances intended to familiarize the audience with the Rhode Island National Guard.  This includes the mobile rock wall team, the fitness trainer team, and guest speaker teams for your event.

    3. The Recruiting Promotional Items (RPI) requests are for the distribution of small, branded consumer goods.  This includes items like key chains, pens, and other Rhode Island Army National Guard branded materials.

    4. The Digital Media requests are for getting assistance with the design and publication of digital media.  This includes things such as logos, posters, or tri-folds.

    5. The Social Media requests are for getting assistance with Social Media.

    6. The Other requests are for any requests that don't qualify for other types of assistance.  This could include over-sized printouts like banners or posters.  

    • Mission Statement

      Mission Statement: The Military Funeral Honors Program will render professional and dignified service traditional funeral honors to all eligible service members, retirees and veterans.

      The rendering of Military Funeral Honors is a way to show the nation's deep gratitude to those who, in times of peace and war, have faithfully defended our country.  The ceremonial paying of respect is the final demonstration a grateful nation can provide a veteran's family.  This website will provide information on Military Funeral Honors along with helpful links to websites related to other military and veteran's issues.  The website will serve as a resource tool for our nation's funeral directors as they assist veteran's families by arranging Military Funeral Honors. 

      For more information visit