Become an Aviation Warrant Officer 

Minimum eligibility requirements

  • U.S. Citizen by birth or naturalization
  • High School Diploma or GED
  • Age requirements: 18 to 33 years of age (WOFT) at time of Federal Recognition Board *
  • Demonstrate English Language Competency
  • ASVAB General Technology (GT) score of at least 110 **
  • Possess a Secret Security Clearance prior to WO1 appointment
  • Pass all Army physical fitness test events (no alternates) and meet height/weight standards of AR 600-9
  • Possess outstanding leadership traits and moral character (No civil convictions*)
  • Achieve a qualifying score of 40 on the Selection Instrument for Flight Training (SIFT) test



**Can take the in-service Armed Forces Classification Test (AFCT) to raise current score


Medical Requirements

  1. Chapter 2, Physical Standards for Enlistment, Appointment, and Induction 
  2. Class 1A Flight Physical Examination. Must be approved by Fort Novosel's flight surgeons prior to the board.
    • Visual acuity standards
      • 20/50 distant vision correctable with spectacles to 20/20
      • 20/20 near vision
      • LASIK/PPK procedures are permitted. Consult the Aeromedical Policy Letter prior to undergoing the procedure.

How to apply

Application checklist


***Link to print PDF checklist****

Selection board 

Initial Entry Rotary Wing (IERW) Board

****Details here***

What to expect

Your new career as an Army Warrant Officer

Aviation warrant officers fly some of the most exciting, technologically advanced aircraft in the world. If becoming an Army helicopter pilot or
fixed-wing pilot is your dream, Warrant Officer Flight Training (WOFT) is where you can earn your wings.

The road to becoming a U.S. Army pilot will not be easy. It is rigorous training that requires commitment well beyond initial qualification.

Training WOFT/Flight School

After you graduate from Warrant Officer Candidate School you will move through several phases of training before graduating as an Army 
Aviator. All training is completed at the home of Army aviation, Fort Novosel, Alabama. 

  • Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course - WOBC Part A (3 weeks)
  • Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape SERE-C Course (3 weeks)
  • Initial Entry Rotary Wing Flight Training – Common Core (22 weeks)
  • Advanced Airframe Training (16 weeks)
  • Aviation Warrant Officer Basic Course - WOBC Part B (3 weeks)

Service obligation

Upon completion of your IERW, you will serve a 10-year contractual obligation as an active ARNG. The service commitment will run concurrently, not in addition to, any other obligations.